How to, ListenerU
Here you can find guides on how to become a member, join a course, earn a certificate, complete a Peer Review Review (PRR), and and more!

How to Become a ListenerU Member:
1 – Enter your info on the membership / discounts page here, then select your subscription from the website (purchasing from the website saves you money, compared to an in-app purchase!)
*Tip: the “Annual Gold” subscription on the website, is the best bang for your buck!
2 – Download the ListenerU app from your app store, and start enjoying!
3 – Update your profile with a little bio and maybe a picture, and start listening!

How to Join a ListenerU Course:
1 – Go to the search page and select “courses” to view all of the ListenerU courses.
2 – Select “Join Course” at the bottom of the course you want to start.
3 – Purchase the audiobooks in the course as you listen to them. You can always buy more credits here once you are a ListenerU subscriber, if you need more audiobooks! (1 credit = 1 audiobook)

How to Earn a ListenerU Certificate:
1 – Join a course
2 – Purchase the audiobooks within the course as you listen to them.
3 – Once you fully complete each audiobook (you can “mark complete” if you just have a few minutes left), rate the audiobook 1 to 5 start and leave a review. It is up to you what you write in the review, but we encourage our members to write about what they liked about the audiobook, what they disliked about the audiobook, and what their main takeaway from the audiobook was.
4 – Download your certificate! Your certificate is always available for download in the “Courses” section of the “My Library” page when you select the course.
Feel free to show off your certificate on social media and your resume!

How to complete a ListenerU Peer Review Review (PRR):
1 – View an audiobook from the “Search” page.
2 – Select “Reviews” so you can view all of the current reviews of the audiobook.
3 – Select a review that you want to peer review, and select “Add Peer Review”.
4 – To complete the Peer Review Review, give it a thumbs up or thumbs down and write a review for the original reviewer.
*Remember to be kind, and offer constructive criticism or tell them what a great job they did!